Accessing Appointments
Appointments with a GP or PA
- To request an appointment with a GP or PA please use our online form via the NHS App
- If you have no internet access or are unable to complete the form please call on our usual number 0114 2398686 and the receptionist will go through the form with you.
- If you would prefer to speak to/see a particular clinician please put this on the form and we will try to accommodate this.
- Please be aware that we offer face to face and telephone appointments and we try to offer the most appropriate method of consultation to suit the patient and clinical situation.
Appointments with a practice nurse, health care assistant or general practitioners assistant
- To request an appointment with a practice nurse, HCA, or GPA we suggest that you call after 10am when the phone lines are less busy or fill in our online form with as much detail as possible
- Please be aware that all appointments for blood tests have to be before 5pm as this is when our samples are collected. For people who cannot attend the practice for blood tests before 5pm please tell the receptionist or let us know on the form and we will let you know what options are available
- The nursing team are available during usual surgery hours by appointment only.
- Services provided include acute illness, regular review for patients with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and respiratory diseases; smoking cessation advice; travel immunisations and advice; childhood immunisations; influenza and pneumonia vaccinations; cervical cytology (smear test); sexual health advice including family planning and emergency contraception (morning after pill), dietary and other lifestyle advice; blood tests; wound care; suture removal.
- If you require emergency contraception, please let the receptionist know - you will be offered an appointment on the same day with a doctor or a nurse.
OOH Appointments
The best way to find the service right for you is to complete the NHS 111 Online form which will direct you to the correct service for your problem. This will also help you get the right help when we are closed.
Teenagers are welcome to consult a doctor or nurse in confidence about any problems including sexual health and contraception.
Home Visits
We encourage patients to attend the surgery where we have the proper facilities available, although we appreciate that this isn't always possible.
To request a home visit appointment please note this on the form when you fill it in.
Home visits are for patients who are
- Housebound
- Too ill to attend the practice
The following are not valid reasons for a home visit
- Transport issues
- Residents of care homes who are mobile
- Patients who live outside our Practice boundary
- Poor mobility - although we recognise it can be difficult to attend appointments with poor mobility, our building is designed to cater for patients with restricted mobility
A doctor or nurse may phone you back as it may be that your problem can be dealt with by telephone advice, or that it would be more appropriate to send a nurse, or indeed arrange a hospital attendance.