Total Triage

What is total triage?

Total triage is a General Practice workflow where every patient contacting a practice first provides some information on the reasons for contact and is triaged before making an appointment.

Some patients are already familiar with Accurx and this is the system we will be using for you to contact us. You can access it via this link (also on our homepage).
For patients that are unable to use online services, they will still be able to call and the form will be completed by a member of the reception team instead.
Our online system will be available from 7.30 - 18.00.
Calling us will NOT bypass other patients, and your query will NOT be dealt with any sooner, you will be dealt with in exactly the same way as if you had completed the form yourself.

How to...

If you are unsure how this works please Watch the video on our facebook page 

Or if you would like a more in depth 'how-to' guide for our new system please visit the link below 

Patient Support: How to submit an online request to your GP Practice | Accurx Help Centre

AccuRx Total Triage